BELOW IS CARA'S BOY #4 with Light Blue
Collar. Pictures taken on March 1, 2010.
2010 See Below
Our current group of puppies is a playful and affectionate bunch and Boy #4 is no exception.
He is alert and very playful one minute and the next minute he wants to snuggle.
Scroll down
the page to see more new pictures of him.
CARA'S LIGHT BLUE BOY #4 March 25, 2010 |

CARA's LIGHT BLUE BOY #4 March 26, 2010 |

Cara's Boy #4 Light Blue collar March 1, 2010 |

Cara's Light Blue Boy #4 March 26, 2010 |

Click the image below to view "Baby" pictures
taken of him when he was just days old. Like the other "Baby" pictures his eyes were not really open yet in these